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AiDANT Care ACAP usage with Axis Cameras and Arcules
AiDANT Care ACAP usage with Axis Cameras and Arcules

An integration between AiDANT Care and Arcules can be achieved using some configuration in the Axis Camera to communicate the detections to the Arcules platform.

Updated over 2 months ago


This configuration is meant only for cameras connected to an Arcules Gateway device, and NOT applicable to Arcules Cam-to-Cloud devices.

AiDANT Care Description

AiDANT Care is a ACAP Application that can run on select models of Axis cameras to detect two specific scenarios:

  • Person getting out of bed

  • Person fallen down

Generally this is used in Health Care applications, but the Fallen Person detection is useful in applications where someone may have fallen in an isolated area, such as a parking garage/lot, warehouse, or loading dock. These detections can help speed up responses to potential medical situations by a large margin.

Supported Hardware

The following requirements are listed by AiDANT for the hardware requirements for Axis Camera models:

  • DLPU Learning Chip (ARTPEC-8 and ARTPEC-9 Models)

  • Camera running Axis OS of 11+

Axis Camera Configuration

Software Requirements

Update your Axis Camera to the latest Axis OS version

You will need to purchase a license for this ACAP from AiDANT

Download and extract the ACAP from

Mounting Requirements

It is recommended to have the camera mounted approximately 9 feet high. Detection distances are calculated based on that installation height.

Detection distance, with no zoom is roughly 24 feet from the lens, based on a 9 foot high mounting position.

AiDANT Care Configuration

Detailed versions of these instructions cane be found in the AiDANT Care User Guide from AiDANT.

Bed Detection

By default this detection is disabled.

With Bed Detection, you have the option of detecting when a person is either fully out of bed, or in the process of getting out of bed. You can define up to 3 beds within the viewable scene of the camera. There is an option for blocking the event if there is a visitor in the room (i.e. another person detected as standing). This can potentially not block events if there are empty beds defined in the scene. There is also a configurable timer to send the alert after the detection is made in minutes, and seconds.

Fall Detection

By default this detection is disabled.

Here you can define the area of the scene that is the floor. You can choose from 4, 6, or 8 control points, based on the complexity of the area marking the floor. Also, you can mark up to 3 exclusion zones within the scene where no detection will be performed.

Axis Event Configuration

To send these detections in a way that Arcules can trigger on, you will have to set up an Event within the Axis OS. You will use this to trigger one of the onboard I/O ports to trigger. This means that you potentially could wire a strobe or other alert device to one of the physical I/O ports to trigger something, such as a strobe or siren, while simultaneously sending the event to Arcules to process.

Within the Axis OS, on the left select System, then click on Events.

From here you will click the yellow box with a plus in it next to Add a rule to create a new rule for these alerts.

In my example, I have named my rule "Person Fallen Detected."

I have set it to wait 30 seconds before sending another event, as to prevent duplicate notifications.

The condition is on the application Fell Detected

The Action is to Trigger I/O Once

I have renamed Port 0 to Man Down, to denote that it is being used for this purpose.

I am setting the port to active for a duration of 15 seconds.

Hit Save when done.

This completed the Camera side configuration on AiDANT Care, and the Axis Event.

Arcules Configuration

Add the camera to Arcules as a Video Device

You will want to add the camera first, as a video device to the Arcules portal. To do that, please follow the guide outlined here: Add a Camera

Once done, make sure to configure the cameras as normal for resolution, frame rate, bit rate, and motion settings.

Add the camera to Arcules as an I/O Device

Secondly, to pull in the I/O ports for the camera, you will need to add the camera again, but as an IoT device this time. Please follow these steps in this article to configure Axis I/O Ports.

Creating a Rule for when the I/O Port is triggered

To create a rule for this event, start by clicking on the Rules section of the web portal, on this icon on your left bar

Once in there, click the blue plus icon in the upper right.

This will give you a New Rule screen

  • You will need to give this rule a name and description. In my example, I've used the same name and description. This tells me not just what the rule is for, but what area the camera is installed in for easy reference.

  • For the Where section, you will select your site and location that this camera is installed to.

  • In the What section, you will select the following:

    • Device Type: Input/Output

    • Devices: <Your Camera's I/O Name>

    • Value Type: Input/Output

    • Sensor: <The I/O Port you assigned to trigger in the Axis Event>

    • Value: Active

    • Select a Schedule: This by default is 24/7, but there are other premade schedules, or the ability to set a custom schedule

  • In the Action section, there are some options

    • Send a Notification: This will send you a notification (EMail, SMS, or Push to the mobile app, depending on the user's preferences)

    • Trigger an Alarm: This will create an event within the Arcules system with the footage attached to it, that will be visible to anyone the alarm is sent to.

    • Trigger an I/O Device: This would trigger another I/O device's port. Since this is coming from a physical I/O port, likely you wouldn't use this here.

    • Record Video: This can trigger recording on up to 4 additional cameras for up to 5 minutes.

    • Call Webhook: This can call an external application's webhook.

    • You can use the plus button below the Action section to add multiple actions to the same rule.

In my example, I have set the rule to trigger an alarm, and to record the detecting camera (Man Down Test Camera) and a nearby camera (Garage Main Area) for 5 minutes. You will want to ensure that you at least add a Record Video action for the detecting camera to ensure you capture some relevant video for after motion is no longer triggering the recording.

Those you have assigned the alarm to on the rule would get a notification such as this:

The link in the email, or the push notification to the mobile app has a link that will take you directly to the related alarm.

The alarm generated would look like this:

Here, someone could assign the event to themselves, make comments, and disposition the alarm. Also, if you click on the thumbnails of the videos, a player will pop up and index to the time of the incident. If multiple cameras are in the Record Video action on the rule, you can toggle between each camera's video.

This video can also be exported to a Case and saved for later incident evidence.

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