Arcules has a feature where you can configure rules for data preservation for individual countries or regions to ensure that you are compliant with the local data preservation laws.
Accessing your Compliance Rules
If you have the IT Manager Role, you will have access to your organization's compliance rules. To get to them, click on the Settings icon on the left bar of the web portal.
From here, click on the section for Legal Compliance, and this will bring you to your compliance rule list.
Adding a Compliance Rule
Once in the Legal Compliance section, click the plus in the upper right to add a new compliance rule.
Here you will select the country/region you want to set the policy for. You have the options to set policies for the following:
Biometric Data
Personally Identifiable Information
Medical Data
Your options for storage are:
Forever - The data will be preserved indefinitely
Never - The data will never be gathered
Expires On - Allows you to set a retention period for this data
There is also an option for Can be used in realtime.
By default, the system does not have any specific compliance rules entered. Please ensure that you configure these rules as needed for regulatory compliance.