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Sites & Locations

Site, location, add, remove

Updated over 4 months ago

We're excited to share with you how you can make the most out of managing your sites and locations with us. Let's dive into how our system can simplify and enhance your experience.

From the Sites page you can add, edit, and remove gateways and cameras.


Think of your Organization as your business's home within our system. It's a secure, private space where your data remains isolated and safe. Here, you assign users their roles and permissions, ensuring everyone has the right access they need to thrive.


Imagine a site as a flexible puzzle, fitting perfectly into your organizational structure. Whether it's a whole region or just a city block, a site is your way to logically group locations in a way that makes sense for your business. In our system, each site ties neatly to your subscription, encompassing all your physical locations like stores or offices.

Finding your sites is a breeze. Just click on the 'Sites' icon on your dashboard, and voilà! You'll see a list and an interactive map of all your sites, making it super easy to jump to any device you need.


A location is a physical location with an address. Locations are listed for each site on this page. Similar to sites, you will be able to see the number of devices online/offline for that location. One location can have many gateways associated to it. 

Sites > Location

Click on the location in the list to view all devices associated with the location and edit the location settings.

How to Add a New Location
To add a Location, click on ‘+ NEW LOCATION’ at the bottom of your location list to bring up the form.

Add a Location Name, Address, Timezone, and select a datacenter.

For enhanced accuracy when including multiple locations sharing the same address, utilize the latitude and longitude fields.

How to Edit/Remove a Location

To edit/remove a Location, go to the 'SITES" page, click on the ‘LOCATION’, scroll down and click on 'Location and Time Zone' to access the location screen, The option to remove will be available as long as there are no devices associated to that location.

Note: The time zone setting can also be updated from this screen

Sites > Location > Devices

From here, you can add, edit, and remove gateways and cameras. You can also view all the devices attached to your organization, including the status.

You have the option to filter by name when clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top right. Click on the "X" to clear the filter.

Sites > Location > Devices > Video

A camera is a physical device that can have many videos or channels on it.

How to Add a Camera
To add a Camera, click on the blue plus ‘+’ icon at the top right of the device table to display the dropdown with options

Option 1: Adding a single camera

  • Select "Add Device" from the dropdown.

  • Select the Gateway that the camera will be assigned to.

    (Note: Select "Gateway" if you are adding the device onto a gateway. Select "Cloud" if you are adding the Camera-to-Cloud device on the web portal. )

You will be redirected to the Camera Installation Wizard which includes three sections to complete.

  • Section 1 - Discover Device: This section will prompt a user to add the camera’s IP address, username, and password to Connect.

    The wizard will auto-detect cameras within your same network. If a camera is not detected, you will have the option to manually add a camera by clicking the ‘+’ sign located on the right side of the page.

    If a device is not detected (if not on the same network), you will have the option to add the camera manually by clicking on the ‘+’ sign. You will require to enter the Camera IP, username, and password.

    Note: Default camera usernames and passwords are not accepted. Ensure cameras you are attempting to connect are on the same network as the gateway. Some ONVIF Authentication Enabled cameras are auto-discovered but may not be authenticated when entering the username/password - In this event, please disable ONVIF Authentication within the camera’s settings.

  • Section 2 - Motion Detection: Here you have the option to make adjustments to camera settings.

  • Section 3 - Schedule Recording: On this page, you will have the option to adjust before and after recording duration.

  • Section 4 - Storage: Using this page, you can set your cloud data retention days.

Option 2: Adding multiple cameras via CSV

  • Select "Add Cameras via CSV" from the dropdown

  • Select the Gateway that it will be assigned to

  • Upload CSV File

Verifying a Camera Installation
To verify that the device has been added correctly, you can view a list of all your added devices in the Devices table.

Camera Information
Once you have added the devices, you can select a device from the Sites page where you can view Device Info, Configure Analytics, run Network Diagnostics, or Remove the device. 

Camera Settings
If you need to adjust any setting, simply click on the device to bring up its info in the right drawer, then click on Settings.

Storage Settings

You can change your data retention time on the Storage tab.

Sites > Location > Devices > Gateway

The gateway is our software product that connects cameras to the Arcules Cloud.

Recommended Network Architectures

How to Add a Gateway

To add a Gateway Device, click on the blue plus ‘+’ icon at the top right of the device table.

Option 1: select ‘Add Gateway’ from the All Devices table at that Location

Enter the MAC Address, the Gateway name, select its Site and Location, click on the 'Add' button.

Option 2: Click the plus icon from the "Gateway" table of that Location
You will see a modal where you can input the information here. 

After either option, Click ‘Add Cameras’ to launch the camera installation wizard or click ‘Done’ to exit and close the modal.

Have questions? We're here to help! 👋 Reach out to the Arcules team through the chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

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