Arcules uses a system of prebuilt roles to grant access to certain areas and features within the ecosystem. Roles can be stacked together to quickly form the basis of enabling users, or groups to have access to everything they need in the platform to achieve the needs of their job roles.
There are three types of Roles available in Arcules:
Standalone Roles, which can be used on their own
Add-on Roles, which only work when used in conjunction with Standalone Roles.
Legacy Roles which pertain to features in Arcules currently in Maintenance Mode
Table Conventions:
〇 = Feature supported.
x = Limited support for this feature.
※ = Indicates a comment.
- = Does not apply to this feature.
Standalone Roles
Accounts Payable
The default landing page is the "Settings" page
This role's permissions include:
Manage Subscription.
Subscriptions Page:
Access to view the organization's subscription
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Basic User
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Views Page:
Access to the views shared for the user - but no access to edit/delete a shared view
Access to videos - live feed, playback
Perform forensic search
Widgets available:
Site Health:
Health Status
Cloud Analytics
People Count
Heat Map
Parked Vehicle Count
Device and Edge Analytics
Occupancy status
Thermal Status
I/0 model
Business Analyst
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include: Get device information, view business analytics.
Insights Page:
This role is specific to a user, and the insights dashboard/s is not shared with any other user in the organization.
Will have access to the Add a new dashboard, Edit an existing, and Delete a dashboard
Has the ability to add Multiple Dashboards
Access to the ‘Add Widget’ page which will display all devices (Videos) in the organization where Business Analytics have been enabled for
Ability to add the widgets to the dashboard
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to the Arcules Support Center
Widgets available:
Site Health:
Health Status
Cloud Analytics
People Count
Heat Map
Parked Vehicle Count
Device and Edge Analytics
Occupancy status
Thermal Status
I/0 model
Case Manager
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Handle Camera Views
Edit All Cases
View Live Video
Manage Evidence
Users and User Groups View
Get Device Information
Views Page:
Will have access to the Views shared for the user - but will not have access to Edit/Delete a Shared View
Ability to Create a New View - and Add/Edit/Delete the view created by this user
When creating a new view, the user will have access to all devices (videos) in the organization
Access to Videos - Live feed, Playback, Export Video to a case
Perform forensic search
Cases Page:
Ability to Create a new Case, and Edit/Delete and existing case
Access to evidence, add/edit permissions and download evidence
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Enhanced User
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Configure Floor Plans
Access Views
Manage Evidence
Users and User Groups View
Manage Video Views
Configure Cameras
Views Page:
Will have access to the Views shared for the user - but will not have access to Edit/Delete a Shared View
Ability to Create a New View - and Add/Edit/Delete the view created by this user
Access to Videos - Live feed, Playback, Export Video to a case
Perform forensic search
Cases Page:
Ability to Create a New Case, and Edit/Delete and existing case
Access to evidence, add/edit permissions and download evidence
Sites Page:
Access to view Sites and Locations that are shared with the user
Will have access to Filter by Site/Location
Can add a New Location - select a data center
Can edit/delete an existing location
Will have access to view the list of devices (Cameras/Gateways) that are within accessible locations, including the Health Status
Can Add/Edit/Delete devices (Gateway/Cameras)
Can Configure devices - Edit Camera Settings
Will have access to View Live feed and playback
Will have access to the interactive map and click on the marker to navigate to the Devices list for that location
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Configure Cameras
Configure IoT Devices
Configure Legal Compliance Rules
Handle Camera Views
Configure Floor Plans
Views Page:
Will have access to the Views shared for the user - but will not have access to Edit/Delete a Shared View
Ability to Create a New View - and Add/Edit/Delete the view created by this user
When creating a new view, the user will have access to all devices (videos) in the organization
Access to Videos - Live feed, Playback
Perform forensic search
Sites Page:
Access view Sites and Locations for the Organization
Will have access to Filter by Site/Location
Can add a New Location - select a data center
Can edit/delete an existing location
Will have access to view the list of all devices (Cameras/Gateways) for the Organization, including the Health Status
Can add/edit/delete devices (Gateway/Cameras)
Can configure devices - Edit Camera Settings
Will have access to View Live feed and playback
Will have access to the interactive map and click on the marker to navigate to the Devices list for that location
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
IT Manager
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
An IT Manager has access to most the features within the organization
Note : The IT Manager role covers all standalone roles except Case Manager role and View Manager role and doesn't include add-on roles, which are extra permissions that need to be added.
Access all sites/locations
Access dashboard
Configure cameras
Configure IoT Devices
Customize Organization
Configure Floor Plans
Configure legal compliance rules
Configure real-time notification rules
Handle camera views
Perform forensic search
Manage alarms
Manage audit logs
Manage business analytics
Manage evidence
Manage subscriptions
Manage system analytics
Invite users - Manage users
Manage EntraID SCIM Integration
* IT manager role allow you to create views but the user can't see everyone’s views, you can only create ones for yourself
Widgets available:
Site Health:
Health Status
Cloud Analytics
People Count
Heat Map
Parked Vehicle Count
Device and Edge Analytics
Occupancy status
Thermal Status
I/0 model
Live Video Only User
The default landing page is the "Views" page.
This role's permissions include:
Access Live Video in Views
Views Page:
Will have access to the live Views shared for the user - but will not have access to edit/delete a Shared View
Access to Videos - Live feed only
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Security Operator
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Handle Camera Views
View Live Video
View Users
Get Device Information
View Location Cameras
Manage Evidence
View System Analytics
Manage Alarms
View Floor Plans
Views Page:
Will have access to the Views shared for the user - but will not have access to Edit/Delete a Shared View
Ability to Create a New View - and Add/Edit/Delete the view created by this user
When creating a new view, the user will have access to all devices (videos) in the organization
Access to Videos - Live feed, Playback, Export Video to a case
Perform forensic search
Cases Page:
Ability to create a new Case, and Edit/Delete and existing case
Access to evidence, add/edit permissions and download evidence
Ability to view Cases that have been shared to this user
Access to and download evidence
Note: People with just the Security Operator Role and without access to Sites and Locations will not have Add/Edit/Delete access to cases and act as a Case Viewer.
Alarms Page:
Access to Alarms triggered by rule-based analytic/notifications
Ability to Assign alarm to self, mark as complete, mark as false, add comments
Access to Open, Unassigned, In Progress, and Closed Alarms
Access to New, Old, High and Low priority Alarms
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
System Integrator
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Customize Organization
Configure Legal Compliance Rules
Configure Real Time Notification Rules
Configure Cameras
Configure IoT Devices
Install Location
Configure Floor Plans
Sites Page:
Access view Sites and Locations for the Organization
Will have access to Filter by Site/Location
Can add a New Location - select a data center
Can edit/delete an existing location
Will have access to view the list of all devices (Cameras/Gateways) for the Organization, including the Health Status
Can add/edit/delete devices (Gateway/Cameras)
Can configure devices - Edit Camera Settings
Will have access to View Live feed and playback
Will have access to the interactive map and click on the marker to navigate to the Devices list for that location
Perform forensic search
Rules Page:
Can add new Rules based on Analytics and Device Health Status
Can configure/delete existing rules
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
The default landing page is the "Views" page.
This role's permissions include:
Access Views.
Views Page:
Will have access to the Views shared for the user - but will not have access to edit/delete a Shared View
Note: The add-on role "View Manager" needs to be added to access all available views (both private and shared.
Access to Videos - Live feed, and Playback only
Perform forensic search
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Add-on Roles
The default landing page for add-on roles is determined by the primary role of the user.
API User
This role's purpose includes:
Authentication with the following integrations:
Allow to send the data produced by a sensor added to a User Defined Device.
Allow to retrieve a thumbnail image on a live stream.
Any 3rd Party Integration written to use our Public API Set
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
Continuous Live Viewing
This role disables the auto-logout function, so that users with this role can stay logged in without getting timed-out.
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
Configure Analytics
This role enables users to configure Analytics (i.e. People in Region) for available devices.
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
Configure Rules
This role enables users to add and set-up Rules.
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
I/O Relay Operator
This role enables users to trigger I/O Relay Modules through widgets on the dashboard.
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
PTZ Operator
This role enables users to control PTZ panels when hovering over any PTZ enabled video player.
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
Remote Device Access (Limited)
This role enables users to remote access to devices recognized and connected to the Arcules gateway on the same network via the Devices page
Supported devices include:
AXIS Access Control
IoT Devices
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
Remote Device Access (Unrestricted)
This role enables users to remote access to devices accessible by the Arcules gateway, for Cam to Cloud devices from anywhere via the Support Tools page in Settings
Supported devices include:
AXIS Access Control
IoT Devices
Note: This role cannot be used on its own.
View Manager
The default landing page is the "Views" page.
This role's permissions include:
Access to Views.
Access to all Views on the Views Page, regardless of whether a view is private or shared
Perform forensic search
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Legacy Roles
Access Control Admin
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
Configure AC Doors
Perform AC Actions
Configure AC Settings
View AC Events
Manage Cardholders
Configure AC Controllers
Access Control Page:
Will have access to configuring hardware
Ability to create Access Schedules, add Access Holidays, add Access Levels
Can assign Access Levels to users
Access to assign cards and credentials to users
Access to view Events
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Access Control Viewer
The default landing page is the "Dashboard" page.
This role's permissions include:
View AC Events
Access Control Page:
Ability to view access control Events log
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
Access Control Operator
The default landing page is the "Dashboard Page"
This role's permissions include:
Perform AC Actions
Configure AC Settings
View AC Events
Manage Cardholders
Access Control Page:
Ability to create Access Schedules, add Access Holidays, add Access Levels
Access to view Events
Notifications Page:
View all Notifications user is part of or assigned to
Profile Page:
Ability to edit profile settings, change password, and notifications settings
Access to Support Center
General Examples of Role Assignments
Jim - Security Staff
Jim's primary job is to monitor the camera feeds, search for video of incidents, and export the evidence. Jim only needs access to his location.
To accomplish his goals, some general roles to assign would be:
Standalone Roles
Add-On Roles
PTZ Operator (If site has PTZ Cameras)
Lisa - Location IT Staff
Lisa's primary job is to maintain the gateway health, devices attached to the gateway, and set up views for users or groups for their location. They are not supposed to see devices or views outside of their location.
To accomplish her goals, some general roles to assign would be:
Standalone Roles
Add-On Roles
Alan - System Administrator
Alan's primary job is to ensure all devices are healthy and configured, configure SSO, and ensure users and groups are provisioned properly. Also, he will assist with any access issues to views. Alan needs global access to all items within the organization.
To accomplish his goals, some general roles to assign would be:
Standalone Roles
Add-On Roles
PTZ Operator (If site has PTZ Cameras)