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Health Status Rules

Set up rules to send out an alarm if a device goes offline.

Updated over 8 months ago

We understand how crucial it is for you and your team to stay updated on the status of your devices. That's why we've made it easy for you to set up Health Status Rules, ensuring you're immediately notified if a device goes offline.

Go to the Rules page, create a new custom rule, and select the device(s) you want to set the rule up for on the following page. You can add Health Status rules to the following device types:

  • Door

  • Door Controller

  • Gateway

  • Video

As pictured in the above example, make sure to select Health Status as the value type, and Offline as the value to trigger an action when the specified devices go offline.

You can set up multiple Health Status Rules, and we strongly recommend to set up those rules for all your available devices, so that you and your team are well informed in case one of the devices goes offline.

For Doors, Door Controllers, and Video devices, there's a 60-second threshold before a health status notification is sent. Gateways also have this threshold, but rest assured, your data is safely cached during this period. This smart threshold feature helps in reducing unnecessary alarm notifications.

Note: For more information on Rules, check out our Rules article.

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