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Update Camera Credentials

Process on how to update a camera's credentials in the Arcules Portal

Updated over a year ago

Updating Camera Credentials via the CSV Bulk Upload Tool

In order to update a camera's/cameras' credentials, you will need to use the CSV Bulk Upload Tool.

Obtain Camera Information

First you will need to obtain the following information for the CSV template:

  • IP Address

  • IP Address Port (If the utilized port differs from the driver default, the port needs to be included.)

  • Camera Username Login

  • Camera Password

  • Name of Camera in portal

To easily obtain multiple cameras' information you may download the device list as a CSV by going into the portal, click on Devices, click on the three dots on the upper right hand corner and click on "Download as CSV".

Download the CSV Template

In the Portal, go to Devices and click on the blue "+" sign on the upper right corner then click on "Add Camera via CSV"

Select on the gateway where the camera is linked to and click "Continue"

Now click on the "sample CSV template" to download.

Template Requirements

Template 1 - If the utilized port is set to the driver default (usually port 80), then the port can be excluded.


Template 2 - If the utilized port differs from the driver default, the port needs to be included.


Upload CSV Template

Once you have filled out the template, go back to the portal and click on "UPLOAD CSV FILE", select the template and click ADD.

After clicking on ADD, it will bring you back to the devices page and on the bottom corner you will see a status bar

Note: The upload time is dependent on the driver and/or other variables, and can range between 3 to 20 minutes for 200 cameras.

Multiple Streams for a Device

If there are more than 1 stream for a single device, you will need to identify which of the channels is the main stream.

To determine this, in the portal go to the Devices page then click on the blue "+" sign and click on "Add Device".

Click on "Gateway"

Then select the gateway that the camera is linked to then click Continue.

This will now bring you to the Add Camera Wizard, from here you will need to click on the "Connected" tab

And look for the device with multiple streams, when you click on the arrow to the right of the device you will see the other streams. The Device Name in the first box is considered as the main stream and it will be the info you will need to enter in the CSV template.

Note: If you use any of the other Device's names that isn't the main stream, this will update the main stream's name.

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