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Camera-to-Cloud (C2C) Status Page
Camera-to-Cloud (C2C) Status Page
Updated over 4 weeks ago


This article explains the details that are displayed when you access the Camera-to-Cloud (C2C) device status page.

How to Access the Device Status Page

If you are in the same network of the device

1. Access the Arcules web portal.

2. Select the Devices menu:

3. Then All Devices -> Video:

4. Select the specific Device. When you do it, a details panel will be opened. Select the Overview section:

5. Search for the Connection section, then click on the IP Address link:

6. This will open the Device Status Page.

If you are not in the same network of the device

In case you are not located in the same network of the device for which you want to review the status page, it's possible to open a remote connection and then access the status page of the corresponding device. For more information about how to perform a remote connection, please visit this link

Status Page Overview

The following image depicts all the sections of the Status Page:

The Device Status Page is split into two main sections similar to the dashboard page on the Arcules Portal.

To the left, there is the Navigation Bar. This contains the AXIS OS Shortcut and the Knowledge Base Article (KBA) Shortcut.

The primary window contains the various Information Widgets containing the System Overview and Dashboard Widgets. These are all outlined in more detail below.

Note: Information on this Status Page is retrieved periodically and will automatically refresh. If there is an error retrieving data for a specific widget, only that widget will display an error. Other successful widgets will still show data.

Navigation Bar

The primary use of the Navigation Bar is to provide access to the main Axis OS via the Axis OS Shortcut. This is represented by the image of the Axis logo, and clicking the logo will bring the user to directly to the home page of the device. The Navigation Bar also provides an information icon that will bring the user to this article.

If the user has logged in previously they will not need to re-authenticate, but if the password has rotated since last access or this is the first time accessing the page, the c2cadmin credentials will need to be provided. These can be retrieved via the portal in the device details panel.

System Overview

The header of the status page contains the System Overview widget. This contains a summary of the system, primarily identifying information.

  • The Device Name simply shows the name used when claiming the device.

  • Device Status shows what the current state of the device is with respect to the Arcules System.

    • The Device Status can be one of three values:

      • Error

        • Indicates the device was unable to detect what the state is. This could indicate potential issues with the SD card being readable.

      • Registered

        • The device has registered within the Arcules system, but has not yet been able to retrieve any claims for the device under an organization. This can be intended (no claim has been made for the device yet), or unintended (there is a problem with the device that is preventing it from retrieving the claims from the Arcules system).

      • Claimed

        • The device has been fully registered and retrieved its claims under an organization. This is the standard operating state for a camera after onboarding is completed.

  • Hardware Info shows identifying information about the device.

    • Model shows the Axis model of the camera

    • Firmware Version is the version of Axis firmware installed.

    • Uptime shows how long the camera has been online. This is tracked by the OS itself and resets when the device physically reboots.

    • MAC Address shows the devices hardware ID/MAC Address.

  • Temporary Notices is where various important notices will be placed. In the screenshot above, there is an advisory notice about support for Axis OS 12 for example. You may also see a firmware notice if the firmware version installed on the camera is not officially supported by our software.

Widget Dashboards

This is the primary interface for the Device Status Page and where the majority of the information and functionality is.


The Network widget highlights the current network configuration of the device.

  • IP Configuration shows general information such as the local IP, Subnet Mask, and Default Router of the device.

  • DNS Configuration shows the current DNS servers configured. The Primary DNS is the main one used, and if configured a Secondary DNS address will be showed.

  • NTP Configuration is similar to the DNS Configuration, but shows NTP addresses instead.


  • Disk Status displays the status of the SD Card according to the Axis disk manager. The possible status values are below (adapted from here under the status response parameter for the disks/list.cgi response).

    • disconnected: The disk is disconnected.

    • connected: The disk is connected but not mounted.

    • OK: The disk is working correctly.

    • failed: A problem has been discovered and there is an issue with the disk.

    • no passphrase: Encryption is disabled but the disk is encrypted. The disk needs to be reformatted before use. This status can appear if a device is re-provisioned to a new organization while the disk is re-encrypted with a new passphrase.

    • wrong passphrase: The disk is encrypted but the provided passphrase is incorrect.

    • not encrypted: Encryption is enabled, but the disk is not encrypted nor mounted. The disk needs to be formatted and mounted before use. This may be seen on a fresh installation while the disk is properly formatted and encrypted.

  • Capacity Information displays the total size and available size of the SD card in gigabytes.

  • Encryption Status shows whether or not encryption is enabled on the disk.

Note: The Encryption Enabled field is related to the Axis Disk Management subsystem, NOT the disk itself. It only indicates that we want the Axis system to operate on the disk as its encrypted. The disk will need to be fully formatted and mounted before it is usable after disk encryption is enabled.


The Recording widget shows the 10 most recent recordings on the device.

  • Current Recording Status indicates whether or not there is currently a recording active.

  • Recording List is where you can find the 10 most recent recordings, ordered by time. You can find the following information for each recording:

    • Start Time: When the recording was started.

    • Stop Time: When the recording was stopped. Note that this does not appear for a recording that is ongoing.

    • Status: Current status of the recording. This can be the following values:

      • recording: This recording is currently active and writing to disk.

      • completed: This recording has been stopped and is no longer active.

      • unknown: The status of this recording was unable to be identified. This could indicate corrupt recordings or possible disk issues.


The Troubleshooting widget provides functionality in order to actively troubleshoot common issues with proper operation of the camera.

  • Available Tests is where the list of troubleshooting tests is stored. These include the following:

    • DNS: Runs a simple check against the Arcules services using the configured DNS server.

    • Ping: Runs a ping test against the Arcules services to make sure they are reachable.

    • Secrets: Tests the validity of the passwords managed by the camera to make sure they are correct.

  • Test Result shows a summary of whichever diagnostics test was ran. Possible values include:

    • OK: The test succeeded and there were no issues identified.

    • Failed: There was an issue running the test. Note that this does not mean the test failed for the DNS or Ping tests. If the Failed status appears for the Secrets test however, that indicates an issue with one or more of the passwords managed by the camera.

    • Degraded: This status appears if the Ping test fails. Failure occur when packet loss is encountered with one or more Arcules services. This can indicate an unstable network or other non-optimal network configuration.

    • X/Y Unavailable: This status appears for the DNS test is unable to resolve one or more of the Arcules services. X represents the number of services that were unavailable, and Y represents the total number of services checked.


  • Service Summary shows how many services are running nominally at a glance.

  • Service Detail List is where you can see the state of all the installed software packages on the camera. Hovering over the status will show a tooltip displaying the version installed and additional information about the status.

Note: Applications that are running in a Docker Image will show how long the image has been running for, while ACAPs will just show the status information.

For ACAPs, the possible status values are the following (taken from here, under the list.cgi response):

  • Running: Application is running.

  • Stopped: Application is not running.

  • Idle: Application is idle.

For Docker images, the possible status values are the following (adapted from here):

  • created: The container was created but never started.

  • running: Container is running and healthy.

  • paused: Container is paused and not running.

  • restarting. Container is restarting due to a configured policy.

  • exited: Container is no longer running, either due to an error or deliberate stop.

  • removing: Container is currently being removed. For D2C, you may see this during a software update temporarily as the old image is removed for the new image to start.

  • dead: Container is defunct. For instance, it was removed but underlying resources were not.


The Certificate widget provides an overview of the certificate issued to the camera by the Arcules authentication system. This certificate is how the camera authenticates with the system and is a critical component of standard operations.

  • Validity Status shows a quick glance of the current state of the certificate. Possible values include:

    • Active: The certificate is valid and active.

    • Missed Rotation: This status indicates the camera was not able to rotate the certificate automatically at its scheduled time, and will expire in the next 64 days.

    • Expires Soon: This status indicates the certificate will expire in the next 30 days.

    • Expired: This indicates the certificate expired and is no longer valid. The camera will not function at this point and requires manual intervention from the Arcules support team.

Note: Both the Missed Rotation and Expires Soon status indicate problems with the cameras automatic certificate renewal process and Arcules Support should be contacted.


The Device Jobs widget shows the status of any running or completed jobs inside of the Arcules Orchestration ACAP. These will change each time the ACAP or camera is restarted.

  • Job Status Summary shows a quick overview of the jobs at a glance

  • Job Detail List provides a list of all the current and past jobs on the camera. This list is cleared when the Arcules Orchestrator restarts.

The possible values for Progress are as follows:

  • Pending: The job has been created but not yet started.

  • 0-100%: If a number is displayed, that indicates the job is running. The percentage shows how much the job has completed.

  • Running: If the status shows Running instead of a percentage, that means the job does not provide progress updates, however it is still running as intended. Some of the jobs, such as SD Card Readiness Check are long running jobs that wait until a certain condition is met. Since the progress of that job would be meaningless, they report Running instead.

  • Complete: Indicates the job finished successfully.

  • Cancelled: The job was intentionally cancelled.

  • Failed: The job encountered an error and failed unexpectedly.

Some jobs that may be displayed are as follows:

  • SD Card Readiness Check: This is a job that executes on startup to ensure the disk is properly encrypted and formatted before standard operations begin.

  • Unmount SD Card: This job unmounts the SD card to prepare it for formatting and encryption.

  • Format SD Card: This job will run the first time a camera is onboarded and performs the full format and encryption of the SD card. This will typically take up to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the SD card.

  • Mount SD Card: This job remounts the SD card for use after the disk has been encrypted.

Status Page View on Mobile Devices

The only difference here is that the navigation bar is displayed at the top instead of the side. All of the other information is accurate.

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