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Camera Settings

A guide to your camera's Basic and Advanced Settings in the Arcules Portal.

Updated over a week ago


In the Arcules Portal, you can adjust various settings for each camera device from the Devices page. Selecting a camera and clicking on the Settings icon gives you a few options. This article will cover the Basic and Advanced Settings screens.

Gateway Based Cameras

Basic Settings

Within the Basic Setting screen for a camera you can change a few options:

  • Name

  • Resolution

  • Frame Rate

  • Streaming Profile

  • Enable Audio Devices, if present

Advanced Settings

Axis Cameras

Due to Arcules being a sister company with Axis, our integration is deeper with their cameras. There are more options exposed in Advanced Settings for an Axis camera.

Here you can configure settings such as mirroring the image, rotation, white balance, bitrate, WDR and Zipstream compression.

Non-Axis ONVIF Cameras

Each manufacturer exposes different settings to ONVIF to be accessed. There are a set of standard options that can be accessed within Advanced Settings.

  • Brightness

  • Color Saturation

  • Contrast

  • Sharpness

  • Resolution

  • Frame Rate

  • Quality

  • Bitrate

Example: Hanwha XNV-9082R

Example: Amcrest IP5M-T1179E

Any additional settings not found in Advanced Settings must be adjusted within the camera's interface.

Device to Cloud Cameras

Basic Settings

For a Device to Cloud camera, the basic settings are reduced. Here you can adjust the following:

  • Camera Name

  • Recording Resolution

  • Recording Frame Rate

Advanced Settings

Here you can adjust additional image related settings such as:

  • Rotation

  • Focus

  • Zoom

  • White Balance

  • WDR

  • Exposure

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