Triton Smart Sensors provide the ability to the Arcules system to provide actionable events for a number of important environmental factors. Working with either the Ultra Series or 3D Sense Series, we can ingest the event when triggered and notify users, trigger video recording, or set an alarm for someone to respond to.
Sensor Alert Types
Triton Smart Sensors can send alerts for detecting vape, THC, smoking, or masking. They also report on air quality issues, aggression, and keywords.
Integrating the Smart Sensor
Preparing the Arcules Platform
There are a few steps to take on the Arcules Platform to prepare for the Triton Smart Sensor.
Creating an API User for Sensor Data
NOTE: To perform this step you must be a user within your Arcules organization with IT Manager Role assigned.
To publish the sensor data from the Triton Smart Sensor, requires a set of credentials be provided to authenticate to the Arcules web services, and your organization. To facilitate this it is the best practice to create an Arcules user with the role of API User. No other roles are required to be assigned to this user.
This user will need to have a valid email address, both for login, and for the situation where a password reset may need to occur.
The API user authenticates the connection for the sensor's data to be passed to the User Defined Devices we will create in the next step.
For assistance creating a new user, please review our guide on user and group management.
Creating the User Defined Devices
User Defined Devices are used to allow external devices such as the Triton Smart Sensor to provide their sensor information to Arcules in a structured manner.
Using the configuration guide, create a User Defined Device for each of the Triton Smart Sensor device alerts you wish to report on.
Example: You want to report on if the Triton Smart Sensor picks up Vaping
Name: Triton Sensor 1 - Boys Bathroom - Vape
Site/Location: The Site and Location the sensor is located at
Name: Vaping
Type: Boolean
Make a note of the UUID of this sensor on the Sensor tab for configuring the Triton Smart Sensor.
Repeat this for each of the Triton's sensors you want to receive alerts for.
Preparing the Triton Smart Sensor
Viewing the Smart Sensor Status as a Video Feed
On the Triton Smart Sensor, you will need to first enable and configure the RTSP Stream that will be required to add to the Arcules Portal.
First you will log into the Triton Smart Sensor's web interface.
Select Platform Integration from the left navigation
Select RTSP Settings
Toggle the Enable switch if not already on
Enter the following information
Host = Device IP address
Port = Desired port (554)
Authentication = Basic
User = Create a user that will connect to the RTSP stream
Password = Password for user account
Show Date/Time = Optional
Show Dev name = Optional
Select Save
To test your RTSP Configuration
From a workstation on the same network as the Triton device, launch VLC
Select Media – Open Network Stream
Enter the RTSP Stream URL – rtsp://IPAddress:port
Select Play
When prompted enter the username and password created.
You should see the UI for the Triton device in your VLC Player.
Adding the RTSP Stream to Arcules
To add the newly configured Triton RTSP Stream to Arcules, follow our guide for adding RTSP devices to the Arcules Portal. Use the same URL and credentials you used to validate the RTSP Stream with VLC Player.
Configuring the Triton Cloud Integration
Login to your account at the Triton Cloud site.
One the left hand side, open the Integrations option.
Select the Arcules logo to continue setting up the integration
Here you will provide the credentials for the API User you created earlier.
For the device, enter the Arcules User Defined Device Sensor's UUID for each appropriate sensor to flow the data to Arcules.
Creating Rules for Triton Sensor Alerts
When creating Rules for Triton Sensor alerts, you can quickly do this by clicking on the Rule icon next to the Sensor. This can be found in the Devices screen, under User Defined Devices, selecting the device, and clicking on the Sensors tab. You then click the rule icon to generate a rule for this sensor when going into an alarm state.
This will let you quickly give this rule a friendly name and description.
The Where section will automatically be populated with the appropriate Site and Location.
Under the What section, the device will be selected, but you will have to select the following values:
Value Type: Sensor Alarm
Sensor: Pick the sensor in the list (there will only be one)
Value: Alarm
You do have an option to set a schedule, or have this rule by default, 24x7.
For the Action section, the best practice would be as follows:
Action Type: Trigger an Alarm
Priority: High
Users or Groups: Whoever you want to receive the alarm to take action on.
Protocol: Directions on the cause of the alarm, and what to do
Example: Vaping Detected in 400 Building Boys Bathroom
Send Notification: Checked
Hit the Plus icon to add another action
Action Type: Record Video
Duration: (Up to 5 Minutes)
Triton Sensor's RTSP Stream
Any nearby cameras to aid in the investigation (Up to 3 other cameras)
You will want to trigger recording on the Triton's RTSP Stream, as by default the stream will be set to record on motion, and will likely not record unless manually triggered.
These recorded camera segments will be added to the triggered alarm for quick review, and ease of export to a Case.
Testing the Integration
Once you have completed the setup, and created your rules, it is time to test the integration.
Login to your account at the Triton Cloud site.
One the left hand side, open the Integrations option.
From the Integrations drop down, choose Arcules.
Select the appropriate Triton device (listed by MAC Address).
Select the trigger you wish to test
NOTE: Keyword trigger requires an approved keyword to trigger (i.e. Help Me, Stop It, Emergency, Shooter, Police)
Click the Trigger button
You should receive your notification from Arcules that the Alarm has been triggered.